R mlr3 w/ ChatGPT

feat. mlr3

Yeonhoon Jang


  • Introduction
  • Design & Syntax
  • Basic modeling
  • Resampling
  • Benchmarking
  • ML pipeline


Who am I?

  • Graduate School of Public Health, SNU
  • Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
  • Data (NHIS, MIMIC-IV, CDW, Registry data, KNHNAES …)

ML in R

What is mlr3?

mlr3: Machine Learning in R 3

mlr3 & mlr3verse

source: https://mlr3.mlr-org.com

Why choose mlr3?

  • National Health Insurance System Data (NHIS-HEALS, NHIS-NSC)

  • dplyr \(\rightarrow\) data.table

  • Python : scikit-learn = R : ??

  • mlr3: data.table based package

Design & Syntax

mlr3 vs tidymodels

Core 1. R6

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Objects: foo = bar$new()
  • Methods: $new()
  • Fields: $baz
task = TaskClassif$new("xxx") # Objects
task$new()  # Methods
task$feature_names # Fields

Core 2. data.table

DT[i >= 10] # filter rows
DT[, .(X,Y)] # select columns
DT[, mean(X), by=Y] # aggregate by group

Utils 1. Dictionary

# Getting a specific object with `$get(key)`
<LearnerRegrRpart:regr.rpart>: Regression Tree
* Model: -
* Parameters: xval=0
* Packages: mlr3, rpart
* Predict Types:  [response]
* Feature Types: logical, integer, numeric, factor, ordered
* Properties: importance, missings, selected_features, weights

Utils 1. Dictionary

# Searching objects with $keys()
mlr_measures$keys() |> head()
[1] "aic"            "bic"            "classif.acc"    "classif.auc"   
[5] "classif.bacc"   "classif.bbrier"

Utils 1. Dictionary

# OR with `as.data.table()`
as.data.table(mlr_learners) |> head()
# A tibble: 6 × 7
  key            label task_type feature_types packages properties predict_types
  <chr>          <chr> <chr>     <list>        <list>   <list>     <list>       
1 classif.cv_gl… <NA>  classif   <chr [3]>     <chr>    <chr [4]>  <chr [2]>    
2 classif.debug  Debu… classif   <chr [6]>     <chr>    <chr [4]>  <chr [2]>    
3 classif.featu… Feat… classif   <chr [7]>     <chr>    <chr [6]>  <chr [2]>    
4 classif.glmnet <NA>  classif   <chr [3]>     <chr>    <chr [3]>  <chr [2]>    
5 classif.kknn   <NA>  classif   <chr [5]>     <chr>    <chr [2]>  <chr [2]>    
6 classif.lda    <NA>  classif   <chr [5]>     <chr>    <chr [3]>  <chr [2]>    

Utils 2. Sugar functions

  • R6 class \(\rightarrow\) S3 type functions
# No sugar

# Sugar

Utils 3. mlr3viz

  • ggplot2, autoplot() visualization
autoplot(pred, type="roc")

Basic modeling

Ask ChatGPT!

1. Tasks

  • Objects with data and metadata
  • Default datasets
  • Dictionary: mlr_tasks
  • Sugar function: tsk()
# pre-defined tasks
<TaskClassif:titanic> (1309 x 11): Titanic
* Target: survived
* Properties: twoclass
* Features (10):
  - chr (3): cabin, name, ticket
  - dbl (2): age, fare
  - fct (2): embarked, sex
  - int (2): parch, sib_sp
  - ord (1): pclass

1. Tasks

Or External data as task

  • as_task_regr() : regression
  • as_task_classif(): classification
  • as_task_clust(): clustering
task_mtcars = as_task_regr(mtcars,
                           target = "mpg")
<TaskRegr:mtcars> (32 x 11)
* Target: mpg
* Properties: -
* Features (10):
  - dbl (10): am, carb, cyl, disp, drat, gear, hp, qsec, vs, wt

2. Learners

2. Learners

  • ML algorithms
  • Dictionary: mlr_learners
  • Sugar function: lrn()
  • regression (regr.~), classification(classif.~), and clustering (clust.~)
  • library(mlr3learners) + library(mlr3extralearners)

2. Learners

  • $train(), $predict()

source: mlr3books
task = tsk("german_credit")

learner_dt = lrn("classif.rpart", predict_type="prob")
split = partition(task, ratio=.3)

learner_dt$train(task, row_ids = split$train)
prediction = learner_dt$predict(task, row_ids = split$test)

2. Learners

confusion matrix

response good bad
    good  422 137
    bad    68  73

2. Learners

confusion matrix as a bar plot



  • hyperparameter setting
learner = lrn("classif.rpart", maxdepth = 1)
learner$param_set$set_values(xval = 2, maxdepth=3, cp=.5)
[1] 2

[1] 3

[1] 0.5


  • $param_set of learners
  • setting class, lower, upper
as.data.table(learner$param_set) |> head()
# A tibble: 6 × 11
  id         class lower upper levels nlevels is_bounded special_vals default   
  <chr>      <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <list>   <dbl> <lgl>      <list>       <list>    
1 cp         Para…     0     1 <NULL>     Inf TRUE       <list [0]>   <dbl [1]> 
2 keep_model Para…    NA    NA <lgl>        2 TRUE       <list [0]>   <lgl [1]> 
3 maxcompete Para…     0   Inf <NULL>     Inf FALSE      <list [0]>   <int [1]> 
4 maxdepth   Para…     1    30 <NULL>      30 TRUE       <list [0]>   <int [1]> 
5 maxsurrog… Para…     0   Inf <NULL>     Inf FALSE      <list [0]>   <int [1]> 
6 minbucket  Para…     1   Inf <NULL>     Inf FALSE      <list [0]>   <NoDefalt>
# ℹ 2 more variables: storage_type <chr>, tags <list>

Parameter class Description
ParamDbl Numeric parameters
ParamInt Integer parameters
ParamFct Categorical parameters
ParamLgl Logical / Boolean paramters


  • Evaluation of performances
  • Dictionary: mlr_measures
  • Sugar function: msr(), msrs()
  • classif.~, regr.~
  • $score()
# A tibble: 6 × 6
  key            label           task_type packages predict_type task_properties
  <chr>          <chr>           <chr>     <list>   <chr>        <list>         
1 aic            Akaike Informa… <NA>      <chr>    <NA>         <chr [0]>      
2 bic            Bayesian Infor… <NA>      <chr>    <NA>         <chr [0]>      
3 classif.acc    Classification… classif   <chr>    response     <chr [0]>      
4 classif.auc    Area Under the… classif   <chr>    prob         <chr [1]>      
5 classif.bacc   Balanced Accur… classif   <chr>    response     <chr [0]>      
6 classif.bbrier Binary Brier S… classif   <chr>    prob         <chr [1]>      


msr(): a single performance

measure = msr("classif.acc")

msrs(): multiple performances

# Multiple measurements
measures = msrs(c("classif.acc","classif.ppv","classif.npv","classif.auc"))
classif.acc classif.ppv classif.npv classif.auc 
  0.7071429   0.7549195   0.5177305   0.6930175 



  • Split available data into multiple training and test sets for generalization

mlr3 vs tidymodels


  • Dictionary: mlr_resamplings
  • Sugar function: rsmp()
# A tibble: 9 × 4
  key         label                         params    iters
  <chr>       <chr>                         <list>    <int>
1 bootstrap   Bootstrap                     <chr [2]>    30
2 custom      Custom Splits                 <chr [0]>    NA
3 custom_cv   Custom Split Cross-Validation <chr [0]>    NA
4 cv          Cross-Validation              <chr [1]>    10
5 holdout     Holdout                       <chr [1]>     1
6 insample    Insample Resampling           <chr [0]>     1
7 loo         Leave-One-Out                 <chr [0]>    NA
8 repeated_cv Repeated Cross-Validation     <chr [2]>   100
9 subsampling Subsampling                   <chr [2]>    30

resample = rsmp("cv", folds=10)


  • resample(): initiate resampling
  • $aggregate(): aggregate resampling performance
task = tsk("german_credit")
learner = lrn("classif.ranger", predict_type="prob")
resample = rsmp("cv", folds=10)
rr  = resample(task, learner, resample, store_model=T)
measures = msrs(c("classif.acc","classif.ppv","classif.npv","classif.auc"))
classif.acc classif.ppv classif.npv classif.auc 
  0.7610000   0.7818277   0.6598222   0.7952059 


plotting resampling results

autoplot(rr, type="boxplot", measure = msr("classif.acc"))
autoplot(rr, type="histogram", measure = msr("classif.acc"))

Comparing performaces

mlr3 vs tidymodels


  • Comparison of multiple learners on a single task (or multiple tasks).
  • benchmark_grid(): design a benchmarking
tasks = tsks(c("german_credit", "sonar", "breast_cancer"))

learners = list(
  lrn("classif.log_reg", predict_type="prob", id="LR"),
  lrn("classif.rpart", predict_type="prob", id="DT"),
  lrn("classif.ranger", predict_type="prob", id="RF")

rsmp = rsmp("cv", folds=5)

design = benchmark_grid(tasks, learners, rsmp)


  • benchmark(): execute benchmarking
bmr = benchmark(design)
measures = msrs(c("classif.acc","classif.ppv", "classif.npv", "classif.auc"))
# A tibble: 9 × 10
     nr resample_result task_id       learner_id resampling_id iters classif.acc
  <int> <list>          <chr>         <chr>      <chr>         <int>       <dbl>
1     1 <RsmplRsl>      german_credit LR         cv                5       0.746
2     2 <RsmplRsl>      german_credit DT         cv                5       0.736
3     3 <RsmplRsl>      german_credit RF         cv                5       0.759
4     4 <RsmplRsl>      sonar         LR         cv                5       0.736
5     5 <RsmplRsl>      sonar         DT         cv                5       0.702
6     6 <RsmplRsl>      sonar         RF         cv                5       0.831
7     7 <RsmplRsl>      breast_cancer LR         cv                5       0.917
8     8 <RsmplRsl>      breast_cancer DT         cv                5       0.940
9     9 <RsmplRsl>      breast_cancer RF         cv                5       0.969
# ℹ 3 more variables: classif.ppv <dbl>, classif.npv <dbl>, classif.auc <dbl>

Benchmarking result

task = tsk("german_credit")
learners = list(
  lrn("classif.log_reg", predict_type="prob", id = "LR"),
  lrn("classif.rpart", predict_type="prob", id = "DT"),
  lrn("classif.ranger", predict_type="prob", id = "RF")
cv10 = rsmp("cv", folds=10)
design = benchmark_grid(task, learners, cv10)
bmr = benchmark(design)
autoplot(bmr, measure =msr("classif.auc"))

Benchmarking result

autoplot(bmr, type = "roc")
autoplot(bmr, type = "prc")

Pipeline operatros

Pipe operator

  • Preprocessing with graph construction
  • Dictionary: mlr_pipeops
  • Sugar function: po()
task = tsk("breast_cancer")

<TaskClassif:breast_cancer> (683 x 10): Wisconsin Breast Cancer
* Target: class
* Properties: twoclass
* Features (9):
  - ord (9): bare_nuclei, bl_cromatin, cell_shape, cell_size,
    cl_thickness, epith_c_size, marg_adhesion, mitoses, normal_nucleoli
gr = po("scale") %>>% 
  po("encode") %>>% 
  po("imputemedian") %>>% 
  lrn("classif.rpart", predict_type="prob")


Or manually …

gr = Graph$new()

grl =GraphLearner$new(gr)

PipeOp: <pca> (not trained)
values: <list()>
Input channels <name [train type, predict type]>:
  input [Task,Task]
Output channels <name [train type, predict type]>:
  output [Task,Task]

Setting hyperparameter for pipeops

enc = po("encode", param_vals = list(method="one-hot"))

Resampling with graphs

gr = po("scale") %>>% 
  po("encode") %>>% 
  po("imputemedian") %>>% 
  lrn("classif.rpart", predict_type="prob")
rr = resample(task, gr, rsmp("cv",folds=3))
autoplot(rr, type="roc")

And so on

  • Hyperparameter tuning
  • Feature selection



  • R6, data.table based ML framework
  • Still in development
  • A great textbook: mlr3book

Thank you!